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Ph.D. Psychology {RCI Approved} From UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA Admissions are OPEN


Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Course Name: Ph.D. Psychology {RCI Approved} From: UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA

ABOUT THE COURSE: Ph.D. in Psychology is a 3- 6 year doctorate degree in Psychology. The course mainly focuses on the clinical psychology part and explores the various psychological treatments and methods. Ph.D. in Psychology focuses on clinical psychology, development psychology, psychopathology, behavioral neuroscience, counseling psychology, and abnormal psychology. The course is recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India. ADMISSION PROCEDURE: Students holding M.A. / M.Sc. in Psychology/Applied Psychology/ Clinical psychology/ Developmental psychology/ Experimental psychology/ Social psychology/ Health psychology/ Industrial and organizational psychology can apply for this program.

The eligible candidates will have to appear in a written examination of 2 hours, to be held in the Department in offline mode.

The successful candidates will be called for a one-on-one interview. The candidates selected on the basis of the interview will be considered Probationary Ph.D. students of the department. The candidates who have already passed UGC (JRF) examination/NET/SET/SLET/GATE /Teacher Fellowship or equivalent examinations or passed the M.Phil in Clinical Psychology or equivalent examinations are exempted from the written examination.

Such candidates can directly appear for the interview but they need to submit their application forms for admission within 12/04/2022

ENTRANCE EXAM DETAILS: The Pattern of the examination is as follows:-

1. The exam will be conducted for 50 marks.

2. The total time allotted is two hours.

3. The candidates have to write a research proposal of 20 marks within 1500 words.

4. The candidates have to answer one question (Out of six alternatives) with 10 marks from any one of the six specializations mentioned above.

5. The candidates have to answer 2 questions (Out of twelve alternatives) of 5 marks each from any of the six specialization areas mentioned above.

6. The candidates have to answer 5 questions (Out of ten alternatives) with 2 marks each from General psychology within 100 words for each answer.

Important Dates of 2022:

  1. The last date for the submission of the application: is 12/04/2022

  2. Entrance Test: 19/04/2022

  3. Publication of written test results: 20/04/2022

  4. Date of Interview: 21/04/2022

  5. Date of Interview for exempted candidates: 12/04/2022

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